As a constituent of the American Dental Hygiene Association (ADHA) each state in the organization is divided up into Components.  These Components are determined by geographic proximity within each state.

Local Component organizations form the first line of involvement for individual members and prospective members.  The Components implement community service programs, educational sessions, as well as offer ideas and information about state and national policies.

As a member of WI-DHA members are automatically members of the national parent organization, the ADHA.   The ADHA has grown to over 35,000 members in 51 states, over 350 local components, and in several foreign countries. Approximately, 35 staff members service ADHA members from the office in Chicago, Illinois.

Wisconsin Dental Hygienists’ Association, WI-DHA

Understanding the Organizational Structure Terminology

Members of WI-DHA are automatically members of the American Dental Hygiene Assocation ( The National level represents the interests of all dental hygienists across the nation and provides educational and professional development programming. It consists of 12 geographic districts, each of which represents a group of constituents. The national organization receives input from the constituent and components through elected district trustees.

DISTRICT (aka Region or group of States)
The National Association is organized into 12 regional Districts. These Districts are comprised of groups of states. The Wisconsin Dental Hygienist’s Association is part of District VII.

The Wisconsin Constituent (WI-DHA) serves Wisconsin Dental Hygiene Members by informing them of national policies and programs, monitoring legislation, and providing continuing education.

Each State is divided up into Components.  The local Components form the first line of involvement for individual members. The components implement community service programs, continuing education and serves as a WI-DHA resource for local dental hygienists.

Organizational Structure

YOU (Individual Professional Member)
The individual member is extremely important for the success of the dental hygienists’ association at the local, state, and national levels. Dental hygienists have the important role of advocating for patients and for the dental hygiene profession.