Supporting Your Profession and Enhancing Patient Health for Wisconsin
We invite you to meet your colleagues who are stepping up to lead the Association. We encourage you to read the President’s Letter, explore membership options, get involved in current legislation, join us at an upcoming event, and reach out with any questions you may have.
Olivia Morzenti President
Robin Hemerley Immediate Past President
Vice President
Jenny Maxwell Treasurer
Tanya Ponik
Channon Kennedy
Component Relations Director
Sharon “Sharri” Crowe Education Director
Patty Hooper Communications Director
Stephanie Klick
Speaker of the House
Jennifer Lehto Governmental Affairs Director
DiDi Lindvig-Lee
Membership Director
Kathy Mann
Central Component Liaison
Lacrosse Component
Melissa Ostertag
Northwest Component
Sara Berken
Bay Area Component Liaison
Nicole Johnson
Bay Area Component Liaison
Eileen Sabel
Fox Valley Component Liaison
Robbyn Kuester
Madison Component Liaison
Robin Hemerley President
Jennifer Lehto Immediate Past President
Kaitlyn Bruening
Vice President
Patty Hooper
Tanya Ponik
Linda Bohacek
Speaker of the
Channon Kennedy
Component Relations Director
Olivia Morzenti
Education Director
DiDi Lindvig-Lee Membership Director
Kelly Schroeder
Linda Jorgenson
Governmental Affairs Director
Melissa Ostertag
Northwest Component
Sarah Alzalde
Southeast Component
Kathy Mann
Central Component Liaison
Koryn VandenHeuvel LaCrosse Component Liaison
Nicole Johnson
Bay Area Component Liaison
Bay Area Component Liaison
Eileen Sabel
Fox Valley Component Liaison
Robbyn Kuester
Madison Component Liaison